Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Running Wild

As anyone from my grade 9 gym class can attest, I am not a natural born runner. But as the Kingston days got longer (and sunnier!) the appeal of going into an indoor gym decreased and all I wanted to do was run free and get some vitamin D! I have managed to avoid buying any cute running swag up until this week, but there were a couple of things I just couldn't resist!

I thought my bargain, 5 year old running shoes were decent enough until I tried on these babies. My first real pair of running shoes!

I may have bought the Nike Pegasus 26 because they were pink. Or because they have a compartment for the Nike Plus chip which should be arriving in the mail tomorrow! One of my biggest issues with outdoor running is that I couldn't really track how far I'd gone and my analog watch is somewhat cumbersome to time things with. Another awesome feature is that when you hold down the middle button of your ipod, your pre-programmed power song plays. When you hit your personal bests (in time or distance) Lance Armstrong himself comes on to congratulate you! Awesome!

This of course had led to dreaming of other sweet running gear.

lululemon astro crops

Pink pull over top from the Running Room

Hydration belt (also from the Running Room)

Ok, so that last one might not be so attractive, but girlfriend gets thirsty out there.

Off to go test out these new shoes!


  1. that Nike Chip sounds cool ! Have fun ! M.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmOOAgNfE5U

    Good luck training!!
